
How Do I Use an Online Term Insurance Premium Calculator? Step-up guide

A term insurance plan is a life insurance policy purchased to ensure your family’s financial security in the event you, unfortunately, pass away. A term insurance plan includes a life cover, which is the amount that your family will get if you unfortunately pass away. When you purchase the insurance policy, you will be required to pay premiums for your term policy, which might be monthly or one-time payments. Do you think the premium you pay is similar to the second person? No, absolutely not. The premium you pay is determined by the life insurance policy you have chosen, the coverage and there are many other considerable points that the insurance company takes into account to get to the premium. 

Nowadays, one gets the advantage of knowing the term insurance premium beforehand with the help of an online term insurance premium calculator to estimate the premium amount for the term policy you have chosen. The calculator will help you decide beforehand whether you will be able to afford the premium for the particular tenure or not. 

How can the term insurance premium calculator help you determine the amount of your premium?

The premium for your term policy is determined by a variety of factors as mentioned in the introduction. The life insurance coverage you choose, your income, gender, marital status, loan status, number of loans you have taken, and smoking habit, are all important considerations. Nowadays, you can simply enter these details into an online term insurance premium calculator to get an indication of how much your premium will be. 

It is usually a good idea to buy a life insurance policy that will cover all of your family’s needs, such as education, and marriage, and be able to pay off home loans if you are absent. If you are your family’s lone breadwinner, the unexpected loss of income caused by your death will have a direct impact on all these expenses as one can understand. As a result, you must plan to buy a life insurance policy that covers the majority of potential scenarios. A good rule of thumb is to get life insurance that is 15 times your annual income. 

However, keep in mind that a life insurance policy with high coverage will require you to pay high premiums, which may put a strain on your income. Thus, you must strike a decent balance between the premium feasible to you and the maximum life cover that a policy can provide, and a term insurance premium calculator will assist you with this. For example, if you believe you will get the increment in your current salary in the next 6 months or you are getting the lump sum amount from the sale, you can input the details in the term insurance calculator and get an estimated premium you will be required to pay. 

Mandatory details in an insurance calculator

A term insurance premium calculator will normally need the following information: 

  • Name 
  • Age 
  • Gender.
  • Whether you smoke or not
  • Life cover required
  • Tenure of life insurance required
  • Payout Options (Whether the needed payout will be a lump sum or in installments)
  • Premium payment method (whether the premium will be paid monthly, quarterly, or as a one-time payment).

As soon as you enter these facts and press the enter key, the term insurance premium calculator will display the premium amount that you must pay. You can also modify your life coverage requirement to either increase or decrease the premium. Remember, you need to narrow down the premium amount that is sustainable for you to pay in the long run. 

Why should I use a term insurance premium calculator?

Using a term insurance premium calculator can save you a lot of time and effort if you want to know how much you will have to pay for a term policy beforehand. Let us look at the advantages of using a term insurance calculator. 

Term insurance premium calculator saves time and is quite convenient: Gone are the days when you had to physically visit insurance companies’ offices, present your documents, and wait for them to inform you how much your premium would be for the coverage you want to buy. A term insurance premium calculator is provided on every insurance company’s website. It allows you to compare premiums for various plans offered by different insurance companies while staying at home. In other words, it provides a one-stop solution for all of your insurance planning requirements. 

Helps with financial planning: In a term insurance premium calculator, all of the information you submit ultimately determines the premium you will be required to pay. What if you find that the premium is a little higher than you can afford? It is really simple to understand the premium amount you are comfortable paying by just simply modifying the life insurance coverage. You can simply reduce your life cover somewhat and re-run the calculator. This time, you may find that the premium is within your budget. You can also alter other variables and expenses to get the ideal premium that you can afford while still providing adequate life insurance coverage. 

Compare insurance plans simply: In the offline world, you will undoubtedly have to visit the offices of several insurers (or have their representatives visit you) to learn about their plans so that you can compare and select the best ones. This can be laborious and inefficient. An online term insurance premium calculator, on the other hand, allows you to quickly compare insurance plans from several insurance companies on your computer screen. Simply open the insurers’ websites in various tabs on your computer, run the calculator, and check which one offers the best premiums and life insurance. 

How to Use the Term Insurance Premium Calculator?

Follow these easy steps to quickly calculate premium quotes:

Step 1: The individual must provide personal information such as gender, date of birth, annual income, marital status, smoking habits, etc.

Step 2: Enter the required sum assured amount. Along with this, the policy buyer will need to input the duration (policy tenure) they want the life cover.

Step 3: Enter the projected annual increase in income. Individuals’ annual income grows as they get older. To know the appropriate prediction, the individual will need to enter the projected annual increase in income.

Step 4: The term insurance calculator will reveal the plans based on the information given by the policy purchasers. The consumer can do a fair comparison of numerous options and choose the best one based on their requirements and suitability.


Thus, a term insurance premium calculator is a useful tool for estimating the premium required for a specific term policy. Insurers now offer significant discounts if you purchase coverage online. That is all the more reason to use a term insurance calculator and take the next step toward protecting your family’s future. And, lastly, you must carefully select the coverage you require, taking into account your financial goals, income, and your family’s future needs. 

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